Thursday 1 May 2008


This evenings lecture about Lying with integrity i found particluarly interseting. There was not much theory or facts about lying, for example which of the sexes lie the most and what it is particularly that they lie about the most - which would have been interseting. But I found it interseting to hear what other people had to say on the subject.
Before the lecture i never really gave much of a thought about lying and what causes people to lie, i just accepted that yes people lie for various reasons whatever they may be. In my opinion everybody lies whether it be little white lies or large lies, although i would not condone lying, most people do it, it is a part of everyday life, i myself lie i am not ashamed to admit it. Life would be pretty boring without the odd white lie, although i dont go around compulsive lying and i would not lie about major issues.
So i have this question, is it acceptable for both white lies and major lies? Because really at its most basic form, both are lies just at varying degrees. Sometimes lies can protect people from the truth, beacuse sometimes the truth hurts. But i think that i would rather be told the truth than lied to. For example, if i tried on a dress and looked like crap i think i would rather be told the truth than be lied to into thinking i looked good. But each person to their own, if people want to tell lies they will.
This website is helpful it gives an undertanding into the types of liars and the characteristics of particular types of liars for example compulsive and pathalogical liars.

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