Friday 2 May 2008


The first lecture of Being Bad infidelity was one of the lectures that to be honest if found one of the best ones. I found the handouts we got given with quotes from books and others ources helpful in finding out more information on the topic. The statistics that were given for the number of people that commit infedelity were a shock. And it was shocking to hear that in the first lecture when we sdmitting our acts of being bad even though it was anonymous, the fact that people admitted that they had cheated on their partner with some cases
ranging from a one night stand to infidelity that had been comiited over several years.

What is infedelity??
Some people have different views on this, where some people would not class kissing another person whilst already in a realtionship as cheating, where as some people might class that as cheating, and therefore an act of infedelity. It all comes down to personal opinion and sometimes tolerance. People might know about their partner. husband/ wife cheating but might not say anything for fear of dirupting their relationship/ marriage and destroying their family structure.
Infedelity is an issue that disrupts not just one person but everybody that is involved.

Here are some statistics that people may find shocking or not so shocking about inedelity
taken from the website:

"Only 46% of men believe that online affairs are adultery" DivorceMag

"One-third of divorce litigation is caused by online affairs" The Fortino Group

In my opinion, i know that infedelity is wrong and i would not like some one to cheat on me beacuse i would not do it to anyone myself, but i understand that people have different reasons for doing it, so i realise that not everyone can be condemned for doing it. It can be selfish but i think there is a difference in the effect it has uopn people whether the infedelity is a one night stand or a long term affair. I can understand why people who have had a one night stand might not want to confess, in this case it might just be better not to own up along as it is never going to happen again, rather than destory your realtionship or the structure of the family you are in.

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