Saturday 3 May 2008


This weblink is for, The Oxford english dictionary online, it offers this definition of masturbation.

The stimulation, usually by hand, of one's genitals for sexual pleasure; the action or practice of masturbating oneself or (less commonly) another person; an instance of this.

Here are some statistics that may help in the understanding of how many people as a percentage masturbate - it may be either more or less than you expected! they are taken from the website
Cory Silverberg: "Kinsey’s survey found that almost 40% of men and 30% of women in relationships masturbated. A study of Playboy readers found that 72% of married men masturbated, and a study of Redbook readers found that 68% of married women masturbated."Source:
It is an act that is totally normal and natural to carry out, it can provide pleasure and joy to the individual pleasing themselves withou having to worry about having to please a partner etc ...
In some situations it can be seen as a taboo topic, many people do not really like talking about it as it is seen as personal and that it should be kept private. Although people masturbate - whether they be female, male, married, in a realtionship or single. The choice to do it is personal, some people choose to and some people don't.
I found the lecture on masturbation the most intercative out of the lectures so far, just because it wasn't just a presentation where we had to listen to the lecturer go on for two hours.
It was good that the results of the survey where given at the end of the lecture and presented in a graph form, the look on some peoples faces at the results was funny. Although at times i felt abit incomfortable answering the questions via the remote control, as i felt people where looking at the number i was pressing on the remote, that corresponded with the answer to the questions.
Although i do agree that in todays society it is a lot easier to talk about masturbation and topics that are considered to be taboo as i think people are more open and willing to talk about things like this.

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