Sunday 4 May 2008

(Bad) Comedians!?

What makes a bad comedian?
Many people have different view on what makes a bad comedian. And i suppose it is all down to an individual taste in comedy. What might be fuuny for one person another person viweing the same thing may not find very funny. It is personal choice, comediens such as the late Bernard manning and Roy chubby brown that were bought up in lecture, can be seen as 'being bad' as their acts focus on a particular kind of comedy often picking on facts about people such as their race. Roy chuuby brown is known for his racist jokes, which can lead aundiences who arent used to his material rather shocked or even at times disgusted.
If you are unsure about whether you find that material funny, it's probably because you find the material in the sketch uncomfortable, i watched a documentary on Bernard manning sometime last year on itv. I found it hard to differenciate where his act stopped and his views on racism began, on camera when he was not on stage he made a racist comment about an ethnic minority. Surely this couldn't have been his act or stage persona......could it!? personally i just find his jokes very fuuny or humour worthy. Although the audiences at his shows seem to love his material and roar with laughter, these can be considered his fans as with any comedian the audiences are there to watch the comedian with a shared passion and sense of humour for them.
Each comedian has a different following as they perform different types of comedy it just depends on what sense of humour you have. I like comedians such as jimmy carr and bill bailey, although jimmy carr does pick on people he is not racist but picks on people in a different way. This still may offend some people, is it possible for comedians not to offend people??
This clip on youtube shows bernard manning being interviwed by a black man about his racist jokes.
These clips show Bernard manning and jimmy carr doing what they do best - 'being funny'! This clip shows Bernard manning performing jokes of a racist nature, it highlights the time when he got a lot of bad press becuase he was secretly filmed at a police function making racist remarks. THis is one of the reasons why i do not like him as a comedian. Although i am not saying he is a bad man, i just dont like his 'act' material or 'persona'.

This clip shows jimmy carr performing his stand up act.

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