Wednesday 30 April 2008

Drugs, drugs, drugs!

This picture shows the effects that drugs can have upon a person after a few years of abuse. Drugs can destroy a person both mentally and physically, making their health deteriorate leading to health problems, sometimes even death.

I know people are warned not to do drugs and everyone is aware of the damage they can cause, some cases it leads to addiction or the moving onto other drugs that are harder. Sometimes people only use drugs recreationally between friends in social circumstances etc etc. But my personal opinion is that if people want to do drugs they will, ther is no stopping them, as adults everyone can make their own choices whether they are percieved as others as right or wrong. Using drugs recreatinally can lead to addiction there are many celebrities in magazines who are seen taking drugs or who have admitted to having an addiction, such as Amy Winehouse and Kate Moss, this is glamourising the use of drugs to the people who choose to read gossip magazines, not setting a good example to younger children who see these people as role models. The picture in my blog of the woman shows the change in her physical appearence over a few years from using heroin.
If more things like this were published although i am not making out that it would stop poeople taking drugs it might make them think twice.

When i was at secondary school a man came in to give us a talk about taking ecstasy and the effects it can have upon a person.

The man was the father of Leah Betts, in brief - she had taken ecstasy numerous times before, on this particular occassion it was her birthday. Her and her friends had taken ecstasy. A few hours later her mum and dad found her in the bathroom screaming in pain that she had in her head.She went into a coma and sadly never came out of it. It was believed that the amount of water she drank when taking the pills contributed to her coma.

To read more about this story and to see some shocking sad pictures of leah that her parents allowed to be published look here

To here the devastation that ecstasy bought to this family, and to hear her father still get emotional when talking about it after years of going round schools giving the talk, was really upsetting. And this will stay with me.

I feel like although the lecture on drugs was not condoning the use of drugs, it never really bought up the awareness of the effects drugs can have upon you.

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