Tuesday 29 April 2008


Religion is a topic that divides people. It is a subject that people have different thoughts and opinions about. We live in a society that is multicultural, with people from different religions and minorities living together and for the most part being tolerant of each others religions and beliefs. I went to a christian school and have been bought up as a christian, although i never attend church apart from weddings, funerals and christenings. I feel i am an atheist as i have never really believed that there is God as such. Although at certain times in my life such as when someone dies, it gives me reasurrance to think that they have gone to 'heaven' to be looked after by God, although i am not to sure that this exsists either, i would like to think that there is a place where people go when they pass away. I find comfort in believing that, even though i am not to sure what it is i belive in.
This website offers an explanation on what atheism actually is.

I found the lecture on religion informative but also a bit uncomfotable especially at the begining when, the whole lecture theatre was subjected to hearing a prayer. I didnt like the fact that we were not given a choice to listen to it or not, and the fact that i felt awkward for the people from other religions who may have not wanted to listen to it.

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