Monday 28 April 2008

Under age smoking

I know that this is personal opinion, but this picture on the left makes me feel really sad. It is a picture of a three year old little boy smoking a cigarette, i think the only reason why i think it saddens me is beacuse the fact it is a child. If it was an adult over the age of 16 i don't think it would bother me.

The child in this picture, his family may ignorant to the risks of smoking such as cancer, and emphaseima not throught their own doing but maybe because they have never been properly educated. Maybe children are allowed to smoke becuase their families view it as a social activity.

And i understnd that even though child smoking at such a young age is a rare occurance, i still think it needs to be stopped, even though in England the law for smoking is that you have to be over sixteen years old, although in some countries it is legal for children to smoke. According to BBC news online

"One in 10 under 15s smoke, but prosecution rates for shops which sell cigarettes and other tobacco products to under 16s tend to be low and fines are small". This makes both the under age smokers and the government at fault. Because the children who are smoking are breaking the law and it is obvious that the goverment are being too easy on shop keepers who sell gigareetes to children.

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